How to Sneak More Savings Into Your Budget

5 October 2016

We all have trouble saving money. Maybe you want to save more, but your budget is already tight, and every paycheck is spent before it’s even deposited. Maybe you’re working to a goal, like saving for vacation or paying off your credit cards. Whatever the issue, here are some methods and tools that can help sneak more savings into your budget.


Here's how I deal with managed platform outages

Here's how I deal with managed platform outages

5 October 2016
Sponsored by: Sucuri: Incident Response, Monitoring, DDoS mitigation and WAF for websitesThe other day, my blog went down: Sorry folks, blog is down for a bit while @TryGhost puts out the fire...
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The Space-Saving College Workspace

4 October 2016

Most college students have to muddle by with the desk and furniture they get in their dorm room, but redditor themachu wanted something a little more personal. He grabbed an IKEA desk, stained it himself, and put together this sharp looking bench, topped with a linux PC.


What Weather Forecast Terms Like "Partly Cloudy"...

4 October 2016

If you’ve ever wondered what the difference between “partly cloudy” and “mostly sunny” is, this video has all the answers.


Remains of the Day: Yahoo Secretly Scanned Emails for...

4 October 2016

It turns out that hackers weren’t the only ones with access to your Yahoo email account. Last year Yahoo built software into their email platform that allowed U.S. intelligence officials to search for specific information in Yahoo email accounts. That and more in today’s news.

