Before you go out and flush half a pay check down the drain on a YETI gear, check out these RTIC alternatives for just $10 each on Amazon. They all use the same vacuum-insulated stainless steel construction as YETI products, and according to this YouTube video at least, the tumbler keeps ice frozen for longer. Considering these are all-time low prices, I’d say they’re no-brainers.
If you watched the “Made by Google” event yesterday—or read our roundup—you’d be forgiven if you missed that there was a brand new version of Android. Google itself hardly seemed to notice. Here’s what we know about it.
Deadspin Rude Jays Fan Throws A Beer At Hyun Soo Kim, Nearly Brains Him | Jezebel The Cops Can’t Find Any Surveillance Footage of Kim Kardashian’s Robbers | Gizmodo The Google Pixel Is the Smartest Phone I’ve Ever Held | The Concourse Many People Are Saying That Donald Trump Is Mad About Mike Pence’s Good Reviews |
Last night, the two vice presidential candidates Tim Kaine (D) and Mike Pence (R) held their first and only debate before the election this November. This morning, fact-check what the candidates said with these roundups.
Amazon Prime has more hidden benefits than you can remember, and now it’s getting a new one. Prime subscribers now have access to a rotating selection of books that you can read for free.