Why a High Credit Score Doesn't Always Mean You're...

4 October 2016

There are few numbers that can make you feel prouder of your money-management skills than a strong credit score. And for good reason: Lenders use credit scores to determine everything from the interest rate on your mortgage to whether you qualify for the juiciest credit card rewards.


Monogram Everything

4 October 2016

In a world so full of misery and dread, it’s important that you take pleasure in the small things. So why not start by getting everything monogrammed?


How to Turn On Encryption In Facebook Messenger

4 October 2016

The end-to-end message encryption Facebook promised to Messenger users back in July has finally finished rolling out to everyone. Here’s how to enable it.


Habitify for iPhone and Mac Tracks Your Habits, Features...

4 October 2016

iOS/Mac: You have a lot of excellent options for tracking your habits, but Habitify is one of the first we’ve seen that not only looks good, it also includes a charity donation when you do well.


The Google Pixel Is the Smartest Phone I've Ever Held

4 October 2016

The hardware in Google’s latest phone, developed in house and using parts from flagging former flagship HTC, doesn’t look from the outside like a revolution. It is a 5-inch phone (or 5.5-inch for $100 more) with an 820 Snapdragon processor, a 1440 x 2560 display, up to 128GB of storage, and a fingerprint reader on the back. If you are confusing it with nearly every other Android smartphone released this year that’s okay. They’re all basically the same.

