Weekly update 4 (London edition)

Weekly update 4 (London edition)

15 October 2016
Sponsored by: Help Net Security - Trusted source for daily information security news and analysisAnother week in another faraway place. Since the last update in Edinburgh I've spent a couple of days in Glasgow, a...
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Determine Which Shakespeare Play You Should See First...

14 October 2016

Shakespeare has been dead for over 400 years, but his plays are still being put on every day by theatre companies all over the world. If you’re not sure where to start, this flowchart can help you decide which play you should see first.


Remains of the Day: You Can Now Buy Unlimited Data on...

14 October 2016

If you just feel like going on a hog-wild download spree but don’t want to hit your data cap, Verizon customers can now pay $2 for unlimited data that only lasts for 30 minutes. If you want to go totally nuts, you can pay $3 for an hour. That and more in today’s news.


See How Much Halloween Candy You Need to Buy With This...

14 October 2016

Halloween is on its way, and that means it’s time to start preparing for the onslaught of trick-or-treaters. If you’re not sure how much you need, this handy formula will give you a good idea.


Visualify Shows Off Your Spotify Listening Habits,...

14 October 2016

Spotify’s Year in Music is one of the neatest ways to track your listening habits from the last year, but as the name suggests, it’s only good once a year. Visualify gives you a chunk of that data any time you want it.

