Visualify Shows Off Your Spotify Listening Habits,...

14 October 2016

Spotify’s Year in Music is one of the neatest ways to track your listening habits from the last year, but as the name suggests, it’s only good once a year. Visualify gives you a chunk of that data any time you want it.


Health Data Importer Gives You Manual Control Over...

14 October 2016

iPhone: If you like to use Apple’s Health app, you’ve probably noticed there’s no good way to import or export your data. That’s fine for most people who use iCloud to restore their device, but if you prefer to set up a new iPhone instead, it loses that data. Health Data Importer rescues it.


Build a Truly Retro Looking All-In-One Console with a...

14 October 2016

There are countless ways to use a Raspberry Pi as a retro game console, but if you’re connecting that Pi to a HDTV, you’re losing a bit of the magic. Over on Hackaday, DIYer Jon crams a Raspberry Pi into an old tube TV to help capture that old-school look.


Why Your Farts Stink So Bad, and How to Stop Them

14 October 2016

Be honest: it’s not farting that bothers you, it’s when your farts are really stinky. Skipping fiber might make you fart less, but it won’t get rid of that rotten-egg smell we all dread. Instead, take a good look at your cysteine-containing protein sources.

