Trixie Tracker

25 May 2011
Trixie Tracker is a device for tracking a baby's daily schedule. Specific include tracking sleep schedules, feeding, going to the bathroom, and diaper changing. The idea is for the family to be able to discern the baby's schedule, record it, and share it with friends and families.

Total Baby Logger and Tracker

25 May 2011
Total Baby is a iPhone app that offers several tracking and logging methods for your baby. Timers are available for responsibilities like feeding and diaper changers, and trackers available for doctors visits and vaccinations.


25 May 2011
TimeGuess is an iPhone app that is designed to measure your mental state by seeing how accurate your sense of time perception is. You guess what a specified time interval is and the app shows you how accurate your guess is as a measure of your mental state.


25 May 2011
Miso is a web and smartphone tool that lets you track what TV you're watching. You can also share this information with friends on Miso's social network (cross-posting to Facebook) and get points for check-ins to certain shows.

LoveVibes iPhone app

25 May 2011
LoveVibes is an app for the iPhone that uses the built in accelerometer in the phone to rate your sexual activity. LoveVibes analyzes the vibration signals (asking first that you set how hard your mattress is) to score duration, passion, and variety.