
25 May 2011
FatSecret ("All things food and diet") is an online community for people interested in food and diet. Once a user completes the free signup, he or she can record food, weight and exercise, add and search recipes, add friends, join a group challenge, and create a journal.


25 May 2011
CabCorner is a web and mobile app that lets users find shared taxi rides. Currently it is only running in the Boston area.


25 May 2011
Endomondo is a sports community based on free real-time GPS tracking of running, cycling, etc. Endomondo builds training logs based on GPS data, which must come from a GPS mobile phone or a Garmin GPS watch. Their free mobile app is available for download on the site and through mobile stores. Signup is free. Members add friends, which they can then challenge and encourage.


25 May 2011
Glympse is a mobile location-sharing tool. In using it, you send recipients a web link that allows them to see your location for a specified amount of time. Once the time is up, the link expires. This lets you share your location with people who don't have Glympse, and control who sees where you are for how long. It also lets you share location before driving somewhere for the duration of the drive, so you don't have to use your phone while driving.

BrightKite GroupText

25 May 2011
BrightKite is a group texting application for the iPhone and Android. It is a free app that lets users text groups for free, and you can text people who do not have the app.