
25 May 2011
RunMonster is a iPhone app that uses GPS tracking to let users track their runs. It appears to be similar to the popular RunKeeper.


25 May 2011
BodyMonitor is a research tool used by the GESIS ( Leibniz-Institut for Sozialwissenschaft (Institute for Social Intelligence.) The monitor is a wearable armband, measuring heart rate and skin conductance, and is used also to assess emotional state. It uses AI and biometric data to assess emotional state of the user. It is primarily a research platform and has been used for assessing emotional states of people in urban settings. The site is primarily in German.

AgaMatrix WaveSense Keynote

25 May 2011
The AgaMatrix WaveSense Keynote is blood glucose monitor. It features minimal blood draws (.5 uL of blood), and alternate site testing (for forearm and palm testing.) AgaMatrix is currently working on an iPhone adapter for their products.

AgaMatrix WaveSense Direct Connect

25 May 2011
The AgaMatrix WaveSense Direct Connect product allows blood glucose monitoring to be connected directly to the iPhone. This allows for seamless data tracking and sharing of diabetic data. It is not yet released, as of 3 / 2011, but a sign-up list is here:


25 May 2011
Tweet-a-Watt is an Open Hardware hack of the commercial product Kill-a-Watt which allows you to measure, store, graph and Tweet your power consumption. The device is capable of measuring 1800W and is very useful to quantify your power consumption and modify your behaviors. This is sold as a hobby kit and requires some advanced assembly; all the resources and support you need can be found on the very friendly site. Photo Credit: ladyada (flickr)