LoveVibes iPhone app

25 May 2011
LoveVibes is an app for the iPhone that uses the built in accelerometer in the phone to rate your sexual activity. LoveVibes analyzes the vibration signals (asking first that you set how hard your mattress is) to score duration, passion, and variety.

Lena Baby Monitor

25 May 2011
The LENA Baby Monitor measures the number of words your child hears per day. LENA stands for Language Environment Analysis -- it uses digital signal processing to to parse conversation into words. The hardware is a small, pocket-sized unit that the child keeps in a pocket that logs words heard per day. For a small fee, you can get a "developmental snapshot" -- showing how your child's development compares to others in terms of expressive and receptive language output.


25 May 2011
KickBee is a wearable device for pregnant women that can tweet and text message when a baby kicks. The idea is to let the father know how the baby is doing if he is apart from the mother. The platform can be used to track kicks and thus one could visualize it or otherwise organize the information. It looks to be a concept piece and is not currently in production, as of 3 / 11.


25 May 2011
HealthyWage is a website that allows users to get paid to lose weight. Right now, users can * get paid $100 to go from a BMI of 30 to 25 * deposit $300 for a chance to get $1,000 if they drop their BMI from 30 to 25 * particpate in a team competition, costing $60 to register, with $10,000 for the team that loses the most weight. Weigh-ins are either verified by health professionals or done at a station working with HealthyWage (like a gym.)

Drinking Diary

25 May 2011
Drinking Diary is a web application that lets you record how much alcohol you've been drinking. Alcohol usage is tracked and displayed in a colored-in calendar format. Averages are available over weeks, months, and years, to help users set and achieve drinking goals.