
25 May 2011
Fitbit is a small device to track your physical activity or sleep. You can wear the device all day because it easily clips in your pocket, pants, shirt, bra, or to your wrist when you are sleeping. The data collected is automatically synched online when the device is near the base station. After uploading, you can explore visualizations of your physical activity and sleep quality on the web site. You can also view your data using their new mobile web site. You can also track what you eat, ...


25 May 2011
DailyBurn is a web site where you can track your body information (weight, body fat percentage), workouts, nutrition, and challenges completed. Collecting data is done on the web site or using their mobile app available on iPhone or Android. DailyBurn has databases of many exercises and different kinds of food, which so that calories expended and consumed can be easily computed. The web site and the mobile apps have visualizations, so you can review your progress. You can also set goals to ...


25 May 2011
Wattson tracks your electricity usage at home. It has an easy-to-read display that works in all light conditions. The device is portable and wireless, so you can use it anywhere in your home. The design of the device looks great, so you would want to display it. The device stores 28 days of electricity use information, but you can also use the accompanying software Holmes, to store and explore more electricity usage information.

Watts Up? Meters

25 May 2011
Watts Up? Meters measure the amount of electricity used by whatever is plugged into them. Just plug in the meter to the electrical socket, then plug the appliance to the meter. There are multiple versions of the meters. The Standard model shows real-time electricity usage. The Pro models can store electricity usage over several days and weeks. The .Net model allows you to access the data remotely via the Internet; you can also integrate the data with Google PowerMeter, which has ...

TED: The Energy Detective

25 May 2011
The Energy Detective (TED) is a home energy monitor that tracks the electricity usage of your house over a long period of time. The TED has a simple display that shows your electricity usage per hour and the associated cost. You can also use TED Footprints ( to look at your data over the long term. You may need a technically-savvy person or an electrician to install the transmitter to your house's electric panel. After installation, data ...