
25 May 2011
ButterBeeHappy is a web based gratitude journal based on research suggesting that journalling and sharing 5 thoughts of gratitude each day can make you happier. The application prompts you to enter thoughts of gratitude, and shares them with friends you connect with.


25 May 2011
KeepTrack is a generic data collection and statistics application for Android phones. It allows you to define data types, enter values into the application and then view calendars, graphs, pie-charts, lists, and statistics about the data. A pro version of the app allows you to group data types together, and add labels to specific data points. Suggested uses include recording training records, pill consumption, or cigarette consumption.


25 May 2011
Mologogo is a location sharing application for tracking yourself and your friends using GPS enabled mobile phones. It works on Nextel, Spring, and Boost Mobile phones with Java and GPS as well as Windows Mobile, and Nextel Blackberry phones. As well as showing you where your friends are, mologogo allows you to view your location history, or share your location on your blog.


25 May 2011
MeetMoi is a location based mobile dating service. You create a dating profile, and install an application on your iPhone or Android phone. MeetMoi then makes introductions to potential matches who are nearby by sending alerts in real-time. Exact location and information is not shared by the service. Basic service is free, and premium accounts are available with a monthly fee or on a pay per alert basis.

25 May 2011 is a browser based service that allows you to share your location and record your location history by visiting the site from a web browser. You can select points from a timeline to see where you were at a specific time in the past. can also collect and log your location from tweets, a foursquare account, Google latitude or Instamapper.