
25 May 2011
MyMe is a web app that lets you track everything that matters to you in one place. It offers different visualizations and allows you to take your data with you.


25 May 2011
TimeCarrot is a light-weight time tracking app that helps motivate you and your friends to avoid online procrastination. You list your distractions, make a commitment, and stick to it.


25 May 2011
BoozeBrain is an Android app that allows you to log, track, chart and control you alcohol consumption and compare it to others. It will help you calculate your blood alcohol content, estimate the time until you are sober again, and help you learn about your drinking habits.


25 May 2011
DayTender is a web application that you check into every day to 1. relax and focus on a meditative image and 2. set goals for yourself and track your progress. It's designed to help you set new habits.

Adidas MiCoach

25 May 2011
MiCoach offers a line of wearable devices and apps to coach you through athletic training programs. Adidas is also working on smart fabrics to detect heart rate without wearing any device.