Measured Health

25 May 2011
A corporate social wellness program in an iPhone app that lets users set goals and compete to meet them, and lets companies reduce healthcare costs.


25 May 2011
"Not eating enough fruit? Forgot to feed the fish again? Need a little help keeping your New Year's resolutions? Tell us what to hassle you about, and we'll nag you via email at semi-unpredictable intervals. HassleMe is unique because you never quite know when your reminder will come along."


25 May 2011
This is a web app to manage your stress. meQuilibrium is an individualized online environment, designed to teach you how to use your own personal thinking processes to your advantage. Every time you log in, you’ll discover more about how your mind operates under the various kinds of stress that crop up in life. You’ll get your “meQ” score and analysis of how you can improve it using a personalized skill development system.


25 May 2011
A cloud-based personal health assistant built into a mobile app and larger health information platform. Nutrachieve allows you to record all food, beverages and supplements consumed, quantitatively analyzes their extended nutritional content, tracks and measures the results against personalized nutritional goals established from consumer selected health programs, and provides coaching, recommendations and commercial sources for needed products and services.

Dan's Plan

25 May 2011
A scientifically-based program designed to address challenges of achieving and maintaining your ideal weight. The philosophy focuses on food, movement, and sleep as primary drivers of health and weight.