
21 June 2011
GoodFood is a simple photo-based food logging iphone application. It provides you with five simple rules to evaluate what you eat. Currently, it is at beta stage and we are looking for participants now. More detail


20 June 2011
Trackify is a new, meta self-tracking application. It allows you to find correlations between your individual data streams, like how your diet correlates with your sleep and your mood. It also allows you to share your data streams with your friends, so you can see how you influence each other. Finally, it incorporates macro data streams, like changes in weather, the stock market, and the stars.

20 June 2011 is a platform to collect Data from all sorts of sources (Devices, Manual inputs, Online Data) and to process, visualize, mash and link Data. The platform can be also used to trigger actions such as sending emails or notifications, act on Devices, post in other APIs etc. - Real-time GPS tracking and visualization.

19 June 2011
You can use Geoloqi for iPhone or Android to privately track your location over days, weeks, or years and then visualize that history on the map. The iPhone app allows you to track at various user-defined intervals from 5 seconds to every 30 minutes and has accuracy settings as well. Also useful for quick GPS drawings. The tool was built after co-founder Aaron Parecki tracked and visualized his location at 5 second intervals for 2 years and wanted to allow others to do so as well. See your ...

Basis Heart Rate Monitor Watch

18 June 2011
Basis gives you a complete overview of your day, and puts the tools to boost your health and wellness right at hand. Track your calories, activity, stress and sleep, without wearing a chest strap. It's all in a watch on your wrist.