
1 August 2011
A mobile experience sampling platform that allows real-time collection of psychological, behavioral and physiological data for research and clinical applications.

My Mood Map (iPhone)

27 July 2011
Beta/prototype release of mood sampling tool. Inquires about mood throughout the day and displays a pattern of emotional states and location. Intended use: Self-investigation and for research studies. Currently gathers and displays data for thirty days from installation. At installation, the study and participant ID fields can be left blank (skipped) unless you are participating in a study. Your feedback will guide improvements. It's known that this tool is far from perfect, so we ...


26 July 2011
AffectCheck is a Firefox add-on that analyzes and color-codes the emotional content of your tweets as you author them on

Popcorn iPhone App

23 July 2011
Popcorn is for rating TV shows by the moment. When you see something you love, hit the like button and leave a comment. This data feeds into a visual graph that displays the ups & downs of the show. Plus, when you are watching a show and hit a moment in time that your friend rated & commented on, their rating and comment pops up. You can watch and rate TV asynchronously with your friends!

Vicon Revue Camera

5 July 2011
Vicon Revue is a wearable digital camera designed to take photos without intervention whilst being worn by the user. Based on Microsoft SenseCam technology, Revue is a research tool aimed at researchers as an aid for people with memory loss.