
12 March 2013

Sickweather screenshot

From the Sickweather website: Everyday thousands of people around the globe update social media sites like Facebook and Twitter when they (or someone close to them) get sick. Posts like "I'm sick," "the doc says I have bronchitis" and "My son has chickenpox." When this information is made publicly available by the user and contains location information, we are able to track and map this data using our patent-pending algorithm.

Medical Identity Theft

10 March 2013

Padlock representing keeping your personal information secure.

From the Federal Trade Commission website: A thief may use your name or health insurance numbers to see a doctor, get prescription drugs, file claims with your insurance provider, or get other care. If the thief’s health information is mixed with yours, your treatment, insurance and payment records, and credit report may be affected.

If you see signs of medical identity theft, order copies of your records and check for mistakes. You have the right to see your records and have mistakes corrected.


7 March 2013

Screenshot of the Heart360 website.

From the Heart360 website: Having a healthy heart is important and helps you achieve overall health.

One way of reaching or maintaining your heart-health goal is by understanding what factors affect it, including blood pressure, level of physical activity, cholesterol level, weight and medications.

Heart360® is an online tool which helps you track and manage your heart health and provides helpful advice and information. Just enter your health information in an easy-to-use tool, and your records will be safely and securely stored in Microsoft® HealthVault™.

What is Identity Theft?

7 March 2013

Identity Theft Video

From the FTC website: Identity theft affects millions of people each year. You can learn how to make protecting yourself from identity thieves part of your daily routine.

Retrieved from: on 03/07/2013

The gap between real assisted living residents and what...

6 March 2013
We don’t see ourselves as aging with dementia – and neither did senior housing providers.  Chew on this thought from a senior housing strategist, who encourages providers to "look at entryways differently," Traci Bild says. "You often see a lot of furniture where people sleep in the lobby. Instead, make it a place where people can congregate to talk, rather than to sleep, by placing high top tables." Meanwhile, back at the reality ranch, where sitting at high-top tables, uh, may not work so ...