High-Fat Dairy Foods Linked to Worse Survival After...

28 March 2013
Connection may come from hormones found in animal fat, researcher suggests Source: HealthDay

Genetics May Be Tied to Breast Cancer Risk in Unexpected...

28 March 2013
Scientists found new connections among genes, hormone sensitivity and fat Source: HealthDay

Ten Years of Tamoxifen Reduces Breast Cancer...

28 March 2013
Source: National Cancer Institute -

Childhood Obesity

28 March 2013

Screenshot from the Prevent Cancer Foundation webpage on Childhood ObesityFrom the Prevent Cancer Foundation website: As more is known about primary prevention and lifestyle changes that can reduce your risk for cancer, most research indicates that starting at a young age is an important factor in adopting lifetime habits. Unprotected exposure to the sun, tobacco use, and childhood obesity are all factors that lead to an increased risk of cancers in adults. You may be at greater risk for some cancers if you have a personal or family history of cancer or certain diseases. To help determine your risk, complete this family medical history chart and share it with your health care professional and other family members.

Pew induces chest pains in the body of the health tech...

25 March 2013
Now we know. Although older adults track health indicators, they are not using any app or tech tool. Further, only 21% of all health trackers, mostly young folk, do so with an app -- but note app participation of only 3% of those aged 50-64 and 1% of those aged 65+.  So sayeth Pew Research in their Tracking for Health survey that was published in January – and enough 'quantified self' hysteria followed that the detailed demographics were obligingly published by Pew last week.   read more