More Evidence That Smoking Raises Breast Cancer Risk

28 March 2013
Study found strongest link for women who started smoking early in life Source: HealthDay

1 in 4 Breast Cancer Diagnoses May Spur PTSD

28 March 2013
Women who are younger, black or Asian at highest risk for short-term symptoms of stress disorder Source: HealthDay

Black Breast Cancer Survivors Face Higher Heart Failure Risk

28 March 2013
Findings may suggest need for closer monitoring Source: HealthDay

Study Links Smoking to Breast Cancer Risk

28 March 2013
Source: American Cancer Society

Heart Risk Rises with Breast Cancer Radiation

28 March 2013
The radiation that might cure a breast cancer may also raise a woman's risk of having a heart attack or heart disease later in life, according a new study that looked back at the cases of 2,168 women in Sweden and Denmark.Source: Reuters Health