For Older Women, Missed Mammograms Tied to Worse Breast...

8 April 2013
Study links long gap from last screening, or no screening at all, to more advanced disease and death
Source: HealthDay

Access Your Health Information with the Blue Button

8 April 2013

The Blue Button logoFrom the HealthIT.Gov website: "Blue Button" is a way for you to get easy, secure online access to your health information. To "Blue Button" means you can "download your health data" so you can use it to improve your health and be more engaged in your healthcare. As Americans, we each have the legal right to access our own health information held by doctors, hospitals and others that provide health care services for us. But many of us don't, either because we don't know we can, or because we're not sure what to do with our health information once we have it. Until recently, most medical information was stored in paper files, so it wasn't very easy to access or use anyhow. But all that is changing as more health care providers (doctors and hospitals) adopt electronic health record systems and other health information technology (health IT). Patients will have more opportunities to get access to their health records electronically and to engage with their clinical teams about their medical records.


7 April 2013

Screenshot from the Ringadoc website.

From the Ringadoc website: Ringadoc gives you direct access to doctors. We cut away all the barriers between you and the care you need, bringing immediate care straight to your nearest phone. During your call, the doctor you speak with will be able to provide medical advice, diagnose an illness, advise you on treatment, and when necessary, prescribe medication.*
Our service is now available with complete video conferencing for smartphones and tablets.

What Is The Health Insurance Marketplace?

3 April 2013

Screenshot from the youtube video on navigating the healthcare insurance marketplaceFrom the website: When key parts of the health care law take effect in 2014, there’ll be a new way for individuals, families and small businesses to get health insurance. Whether you’re uninsured, or just want to explore new options, the Marketplace will give you more choice and control over your health insurance options. Learn about a new way to find health insurance: the Health Insurance Marketplace. The Marketplace is designed to help you find health insurance that fits your budget, with less hassle. 

When Breast Cancer Spreads to Lungs, Surgery May...

3 April 2013

Study suggests patients who have tumors removed could live many extra months

HealthDay news image

Source: HealthDay