Metabolic Syndrome Has Declined, Some Risks Persist

20 June 2013
Compared to a decade ago, fewer Americans have a cluster of risk factors that together can signal heart troubles and diabetes down the line, according to a new study.Source: Reuters Health

Family Caregivers – supported and informed online -- but...

20 June 2013
Online searches – not always helpful -- underpin the caregiving role.  The latest Pew research about health information and family caregivers reinforces what we know.  Family caregivers search online for information to help them provide care.  Information about medical problems, treatments and drug information top what they seek – and I bet they find.  The Internet has become the 'neighborhood' for asking what might be difficult to ask of your next door neighbor. In this online neighborhood, ...

Pew: Tablets and smartphones – ownership for the...

18 June 2013
Connecting through glass by older adults – forward, but slowly.  The Pew numbers are out and offer confirmation that feature phones are nearly dead and laptops may be dying as consumer devices. Smart phone ownership among seniors is up from 13% – it has climbed to 18% of the 570 surveyed adults aged 65+ and 39% of boomers aged 55-64. What’s different is the dominance of the device among younger adults – 55% of those aged 45-54 and 69% of those aged 35-44 have smart phones.  Meanwhile tablet ...

Eating More Red Meat Tied to Higher Diabetes Risk

18 June 2013
Increasing the number of hamburgers and other red meat people eat on a daily basis is linked to a higher risk of developing diabetes down the road, according to a new study.Source: Reuters Health

Two Gene Variants May Predict Who Will Benefit from...

14 June 2013
Source: National Institute of General Medical Sciences - NIH