Rural Women Less Likely to Get Preferred Breast Cancer...

28 June 2013

Radiation after lumpectomy less common in country than city, researchers find

HealthDay news image

Source: HealthDay

Fish Habit May Reduce Breast Cancer Risk, Study Suggests

28 June 2013

Researchers found that higher fatty acid intake cut chances of disease by 14 percent

HealthDay news image

Source: HealthDay

Studies of seniors are funded and ready to prove what we...

27 June 2013
Studies are the pre-requisite for product introduction and change. One of the conundrums of our society is that institutional change is typically made possible by the presence of studies cited to verify that the change should be made. These studies can demonstrate that a product is safe until it is proven otherwise. For example, studies of drug efficacy by drug companies (even with overstated favorable outcomes) are the basis of approval and introduction into the market; studies about ...

Family caregivers wanted mobile caregiving apps –...

22 June 2013
Caregivers could see the future of mobile apps – and it came to pass.  A few years ago, the National Alliance for Caregiving and United Health Group published a study, conducted during 2010, called the e-Connected Family Caregiver: Bringing Caregiving into the 21st Century, which surveyed family caregivers about their propensity to use any of a 12 different technologies to help them with their caregiving responsibilities. The conclusion: "two-thirds of family caregivers who have used some ...

Scientists Use Brain Scans to 'Read' People's Emotions

20 June 2013
Aided by a computer, researchers say they can identify how people are feeling Source: HealthDay