U.S. Hospitals Triple Use of Electronic Health Records

9 July 2013
System allows sharing of latest information on patients' test results, treatments and meds Source: HealthDay

Singing Together Fosters Harmonious Hearts

9 July 2013
The melody and structure of song synchronized heart rhythms among choir members, small study finds Source: HealthDay

Who should monitor the quality of apps for boomers,...

7 July 2013
Five Market Overview versions later -- let's recap.  Launching a business venture takes excessive confidence -- or an extreme lack of common sense. Four years ago, after 7 months of random ranting in a blog, an awkwardly-titled Aging in Place Technology Watch analyst business was launched at the 2009 What’s Next Boomer Business Summit. Both of those were in conjunction with posting and promoting an initial report -- Technology for Aging in Place Market Overview (2009).  Now more than four ...

Fiber-Rich Grains Tied to Lower Diabetes Risk

3 July 2013
People who eat a diet high in fiber-rich whole grains are less likely to develop diabetes or heart disease, according to a review of past studies.Source: Reuters Health

Quitting Smoking May Boost Diabetes Risk Slightly in...

3 July 2013
But heart and lung benefits outweigh the risk, expert says Source: HealthDay