Do-Gooders May Be Doing Good Things for Their Genes

1 August 2013
Happiness derived from living a purposeful life found to be better for the body than selfish satisfaction Source: HealthDay

One in Five Kids May 'Outgrow' Asthma

31 July 2013
Study found girls, those with animal allergies less likely to stop wheezing as they aged Source: HealthDay

Can Some Women Safely Skip Breast Surgery?

31 July 2013

Certain lesions probably won't progress to cancer, study finds

HealthDay news image

Source: HealthDay

Diabetes Doesn't Seem to Affect Alzheimer's Disease...

30 July 2013
Study looked at seniors' blood sugar tests along with their brain scans Source: HealthDay

Watch Out for Backyard Allergy Triggers

29 July 2013
Insects, smoke, mold and sunscreen irritants can spoil your fun, allergists say Source: HealthDay