The Most Budget-Friendly Cities for Holiday Travel from...

1 November 2016

Most of us get at least a few days off during the holidays, so it can be a good time to squeeze in some travel. If you’re looking for an affordable place to visit, check out Kayak’s list of budget-friendly cities for holiday travel.


Amazon's Got You Covered With Their Giant, One-Day Coat...

1 November 2016

With Halloween done, and Thanksgiving coming up fast, it’s definitely coat weather. But if you just haven’t gotten around to getting a coat or jacket for the fall, Amazon’s giant coat and jacket sale can help. Men’s, women’s (both straight size and plus)

Google Play's New Spam Filters Target Fake Reviews and...

1 November 2016

As long as there’s money to be made in apps, there will be companies trying to inflate an app’s rating by faking statistics. Now, Google’s taking aim at developers who try to artificially push their app up in the Play Store rankings.


The Daily Mixer Lets You Read the News Before You Know...

1 November 2016

If you only read the same few sites with a similar slant, you can find yourself in a political echo chamber. To combat this, The Daily Mixer shows you stories from a variety of news outlets, but won’t show you where they came from until you read them.

