Decline of median income stats are in – will anybody...

21 August 2013
Consider the data, check elsewhere, and discard this report. This kind of thing catches my eye. You know by now which single age demographic income group saw a statistically significant increase in median income since the recession (supposedly) ended in 2007. The New York Times helpfully tells us – it was those 65-74 folk. Says the Times insightfully: “helped perhaps by the decision of some older workers to remain in the work force or re-enter it.”  A long way down in the article, we learn ...

Do Newborns Have More Complications When Mom Has Asthma?

20 August 2013
Source: American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology

Endocannabinoids Trigger Inflammation That Leads to Diabetes

20 August 2013
Source: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism -

For tech marketers -- functionality matters more than...

20 August 2013
For tech marketers -- functionality matters more than demographics Life marches on – at the older end, baby boomers are on Medicare. A few years ago when I began writing this blog, a senior was a senior – 65+, albeit with the potential for a very long life. As boomers stomp into Medicare eligibility at 10,000 per day, they too have something in common with seniors. But we don’t describe them as seniors. (How funny that will be in 10 years when they are 77?) Anyway, in a world in which women ...

Crisis avoidance with web cameras and other technology –...

18 August 2013
Why wait for a crisis to decide to deploy web cameras in senior care?  Did you know that, according to the Administration on Aging, this is the year is the year of elder abuse prevention? Perhaps it should be the year for webcam deployment in all senior care settings, especially now that that the Frontline story aimed an investigative spotlight on assisted living. So I heard a story this week about an elderly person abused by a home care worker – not surprising, really, when a care recipient ...