Can someone do this -- make a usable smart phone for...

4 September 2013
Two phones in the news today attempt to boost smartphone ownership among seniors.  Pew’s most recent smartphone penetration into the 65+ market in the US still is below 20%. But note that there are two new entrants that, on the surface, are unlikely to be the drivers of growth in the US. One of them is sold only n Japan and the other crashed during a well-documented test by the Wall Street Journal. The New York Times noted that the Fujitsu Raku-Raku ("easy easy") cell phone has sold 20 ...

Online Tools May Boost Breast Cancer Patients' Mood

3 September 2013
Women with breast cancer who created a personal website about their health reported feeling less depressed, more positive and having a greater appreciation for life in a small new study.Source: Reuters Health

Online Tools May Boost Breast Cancer Patients' Mood

3 September 2013
Women with breast cancer who created a personal website about their health reported feeling less depressed, more positive and having a greater appreciation for life in a small new study.
Source: Reuters Health

When we're 84 -- considering the AARP Care Gap research

1 September 2013
AARP’s Care Gap report sets the table for innovation possibilities.  Driven purely by population changes over the next several decades, AARP predicts that there will be fewer people in the age group (45-64) that can provide care to the baby boomer population when aged 80+.  Based on this model, boomers at that age will likely have various disabilities, and thus may need care. What technology categories would be useful and likely in-market with this 17-year lead time to think about them?  Of ...

BRCA1 Mutation Not Linked to Worse Cancer Survival

29 August 2013
Gene mutations known to increase a woman's risk of getting breast cancer do not appear to also worsen her chance of survival after a diagnosis, a new study suggests.
Source: Reuters Health