Cancer Drug May Be Helpful for Diabetes, Mouse Study Hints

16 September 2013
Zaltrap is currently used to treat colon cancer, eye disease Source: HealthDay

Weight-Loss Surgery for Adults with Diabetes or...

16 September 2013
Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Positive Attitude Linked to Longer Life in Heart Patients

13 September 2013
Keeping physically active may boost survival in those with a negative outlook, study suggests Source: HealthDay

Researchers Focus on Likelihood of Breast Cancer Recurrence

12 September 2013

Seven tumor-specific genes appear to yield accurate prognosis, study says

HealthDay news image

Source: HealthDay

Smoking Plus Asthma in Pregnancy May Make for 'Dangerous...

11 September 2013
The risk of poor health outcomes for mother and baby shouldn't be underestimated, researchers say Source: HealthDay