Positive Outlook in Heart Disease Tied to Fewer Deaths

23 September 2013
People with heart disease who are more upbeat and excited tend to live longer than those who don't have such a positive outlook, a new study suggests, possibly because they are often more active.Source: Reuters Health

Women Vets May Need More Access to Breast Cancer Services

23 September 2013

Improved screening raised demand on system for follow-up care, study suggests

HealthDay news image

Source: HealthDay

Tracking us online and on the go is making us nervous

22 September 2013
Isn’t it cool that all of our technology knows us and our location? It’s a widening and wonderful tech world isn’t it? We are blessed with video and the web on our smart phones; social connections all around are endorsing and Linking us In. Best of all we can speak and ask our device stupid questions -- and get specific and even charming location-based answers. Siri, tell me,what is Pi to 500 places? That was easy, but how many miles (kilometers, inches) is it to Miami? How long will it take ...

Sleep Problems in Asthma and COPD

20 September 2013
Source: American Thoracic Society - PDF

VA Increases Breast Screenings After Initiative

19 September 2013
The U.S. health system that cares for the nation's veterans increased services to screen for and treat breast cancer over the past five years, but at one hospital the time it took women with the disease to be treated also increased, says a new study.
Source: Reuters Health