Senior products and services -- how about delighting the...

15 October 2013
Reinventing the aging experience – who will transform this market? Over the weekend I saw a Woody Allen movie (he is now 77 and in trouble in Mumbai), read an article about Robert Redford (he is also 77), noted the Bill Cunningham -- the NY Times bicyclist-about-town -- is now 85, Betty White (accused of ageism this week) is now 91.  These are well-to-do and well-noticed folk – likely they feel secure in their limos, the NY streets or wherever. You wanna bet that none is considering or would ...

Tablets are cool for seniors -- but carriers are the...

8 October 2013
Tablets are hot, hot, hot – but are the usage plans affordable? So 34 percent of Americans own tablets – of these, “ownership skews toward adults ages 35-44 (49%), compared with younger and older adults. Tablet owners have incomes > $75K per year, and people with a college education.”  Let’s hope these folks share their tablets with parents and/or grandparents; that the high-energy and youthful AARP training was and will continue to be a worthwhile and available program to help those parents ...

Controlling the Release of Patient Information During...

7 October 2013

Use Case Setting:

A primary caregiver entity wants to refer patients to an OB/GYN practice. In doing so, they are creating an environment to where the OB office can go in and review the entire chart of the patient and then pull out the pertinent information for the referral. This of course would take clinical personal to do this, but not all patients that have this full chart information review will actually go to the particular office.

AARP tackles tablet training for older adults

5 October 2013
AARP TEK – fabulous training for older adults.  When an organization becomes as large and influential as AARP,  what a party they can throw and how attendees enjoy being brought together at its large events. Life@50+ in Atlanta was clearly fun for the attendees -- but what made it special in the context of technology utilization were several days of continuous training classes (see below) on using tablets.  Led by Philip Jordan, of SeniorTechRally who did many of the training sessions ...

Can Eating Peanut Butter Cut Breast Cancer Risk in Later...

30 September 2013

Regular consumption in childhood tied to 39 percent lower odds of benign breast disease by age 30

HealthDay news image

Source: HealthDay