It’s easy to derive joy from big, exciting events and milestones, but mindfulness guru and former Google engineer Chade-Meng Tan recommends finding “thin slices of joy” in one’s day-to-day life for a happier, more joyous outlook.
You can finally treat yourself to made in America three-layer pots and pans at approachable prices. Marie + Merrill pans start at just $55 for an 8" skillet on Kickstarter (estimated retail $60).
It might seem counterintuitive, but standing behind the shopper with the full cart at the shorter line will probably get you out of the grocery store faster than lining up behind a line with more people but fewer items. Here’s why.
Apple’s iCloud has a long and troubled past, but the company keeps pushing it for iPhone and Mac users with every new operating system update. Don’t be fooled. The service is an inconsistent mess and more trouble than it’s worth.
Your office isn’t always conducive to distraction-free work, especially when you have noisy, obnoxious coworkers. Here are a handful of tips that help you politely tell someone to STFU without it blowing up in your face.