A Beautiful(?) Day in the Neighborhood . . . .

28 February 2014
About an hour ago I was on the phone with Pete when suddenly we got disconnected.  My t.v. and internet were down too, so I assumed it was a cable provider outage due to sun spots.  (I know, sounds...

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In the world of hype, we can predict the past and ignore...

28 February 2014
Press releases propagate predictive thought. Most wearables and health-related predictions reflect the universe of themselves, that is, gadget press releases and press hype about the rise in wearables, for example, among consumers. Per IDC, in 2014 “wearables and embedded sensors will become mainstream." What is mainstream, considering that only 32% of consumers are even aware of fitness trackers? Or consider that low-risk prediction: "Certain health care organizations will experiment with ...

Diabetes Boosts Stroke Risk for Women, but Not Men: Study

25 February 2014
Research finds big gender gap, which one doctor believes is tied to better treatment for men Source: HealthDay

Buying the customer base – Facebook seizes WhatsApp,...

22 February 2014
Facebook spends on WhatsApp -- Brookdale buys Emeritus.  It’s been an interesting week. Most people do not see a parallel in these two acquisitions, I’m quite sure, since the target user of each is separated by, oh, say 50 years. So what does it mean to consumers that Brookdale, in a 2.8 billion stock deal, will now be the first national and largest owner-operator senior living company in the United States --at more than 1100 locations in 46 states? What does it mean that Facebook, that ...

A Kernel of Truth

21 February 2014
I really think that the things that are most upsetting have a small kernel of truth to them.  So while I’m sure my opinion will be wildly unpopular and set me up for a blizzard of hatred, I have to...

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