Are All Home-Based Blood Sugar Tests Equal?

10 March 2014
FDA takes steps to eliminate potential risks for people with diabetes Source: HealthDay

Yoga May Help Breast Cancer Patients During Radiation...

5 March 2014

Study found it lowered levels of stress hormones, reduced fatigue, improved quality of life

HealthDay news image

Source: HealthDay

Five New Technologies for Aging in Place – Jan-Feb 2014

5 March 2014
The start of a new year -- it extends past CES!  Let's remind ourselves -- press releases matter. As you know by now, becoming quiet about a firm's products and offerings is bad business practice – silence is assumed to be a bad sign – and the aging dates of content on websites is even worse. That’s because the technology market waits for no man – or woman. And to their PR credit, tech companies get that. So in the past few months new versions and offerings of technology solutions have been ...

Heart Attack Risk Rises in Hours After Angry Outburst

4 March 2014
Absolute risk from any one episode remains very small, but the danger is there, experts saySource: HealthDay

Common Asthma Meds May Raise Sleep Apnea Risk, Study Says

3 March 2014
Preliminary finding saw possible link between certain inhaler drugs and the sleep disorder, but more research needed Source: HealthDay