Study Outlines Physicians' Difficulties in Transitioning...

12 March 2014
Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Patients' involvement in e-health services quality...

Patients' involvement in e-health services quality...

An Article from the Journal of Biomedical Informatics

12 March 2014
From the PubMed Abstract: "Effective communication between patients and health services providers is a key aspect for optimizing and maintaining these services. This work describes a system for the automatic...
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#JDRFGovDay Highs and Lows

12 March 2014
I always struggle to write up event recaps because I'm just not good at them.  I tend to draw a blank on what words to use other than “it was so awesome, you had to be there to understand”.  Great,...

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Tracking the trackers -- the need for Boomer Health Tech...

12 March 2014
Digital health tech is the answer – but what are the questions? What new gadgets and apps can make consumers take better care of their own health?  What are the gadgets and apps that help doctors take care of consumers?  Let’s assume that the combination of tech that helps consumers and doctors equals Digital Health.  In this emerging world, do doctors encourage consumers to give these new apps and gadgets a try? What is the digital technology uptake among the worried well and the ...

Elderly Diabetes Patients on Insulin Most Vulnerable to...

11 March 2014
Study found they were more than twice as likely to end up in ER, five times more likely to be hospitalized Source: HealthDay