Grief and Diabetes Management . . .

21 April 2014
It’s been one piece of bad news after another around here over the past couple of weeks.  And I’m beginning to understand that grief sends my diabetes management in two completely different...

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Extroverts Happier Regardless of Culture, Study Finds

21 April 2014
Researchers compared college students in five nations Source: HealthDay

So-Called 'Apple Shape' Not a Risk Factor for Breast Cancer

21 April 2014

Overweight, not waist size, was tied to higher odds of developing disease in older women

HealthDay news image

Source: HealthDay

Thinogenics Products by Nature’s Universe: Recall -...

18 April 2014
Use of undeclared sibutramine can lead to increased risk of seizures, heart attacks, arrhythmia and stroke.

Creative Pursuits Might Boost Your Job Performance

18 April 2014
Study finds association between self-expression, improved problem-solving skills Source: HealthDay