
25 May 2011
Garmin supplies GPS products used for Land, Sea and Air location. They have systems for cyclists, hikers, runners, geocaching, backpacking, trucking and embedded products.

Equanimity - Meditation Timer & Tracker

25 May 2011
Equanimity is a Meditation App for the iPhone. The free version allows you to set preparation time and sitting time and chimes at the beginning and end of your session. The premium version also includes preparation and sitting time and then adds an interval timer, journal, a graphical view of your sitting history and allows you to export all your data to a .csv file. The graphical view gives the user a way to quickly glance at information showing the Frequency of your sittings, ...


25 May 2011
Play Real Lifeā„¢ Make life more fun by making everyday activities more meaningful, social and part of a game. Bring online games to real life by doing real things away from the computer and sharing them online. GreenGoose gives users complete control of their data, and w9ll recycling your sensors when you're done.

Golden Cheetah

25 May 2011
Golden Cheetah is a powerful Cycling Performance Software that plots maps, altitude, cadence, heart rate, power, speed, critical power and various analyses of the data including 3D Plots and a Virtual Wind Tunnel named Aerolab. It downloads ride data directly from CycleOps PowerTap and SRM PowerControl V, and has the ability to import data from other software including TrainingPeaks WKO+, Ergomo, Garmin, Polar, PowerTap and SRM. The software is a free, Open Source Software available ...

Garmin Training Center

25 May 2011
Garmin Training Center allows you to download, track, review and analyze your activities. The software allows you to create and edit courses from prior activities and mark important way points in your workout. The Workout Creator feature allows you to define workouts, goals and rest intervals which can then be uploaded to your Garmin Fitness Device.