Visualize Your Savings Goals With Graph Paper, One...

2 November 2016

If you have trouble sticking to a goal, visual cues can help. For example, personal finance writer Trent Hamm suggests using graph paper to mark your progress.


All the Delicious Reasons You Should Buy and Use Miso in...

2 November 2016

Miso is a wonderfully salty paste made from fermented soybeans that packs a ton of savory, umami flavor into a teaspoon. It’s most commonly used in miso soup, but the funky seasoning can be used in a variety of delicious applications, from chip dips and sandwich spreads, to caramels and cake frostings.


Practice Being More Mindful by Focusing on Choices

2 November 2016

We could probably all stand to be a little more mindful, or aware of and engaged with the present. But it’s so easy to get caught up in mindless consumption: checking stats, refreshing notifications, aimless browsing. Choices can help you practice being a little more mindful.


Bodum's Beautiful Pour-Over Coffee Maker Is Down to $17

2 November 2016

Bodum’s pour-over coffee maker is as beautiful as it is functional, and Amazon’s marked it down to $17 today, the best price they’ve ever listed on the 34 ounce model. Hopefully, you take your coffee makers like you take your coffee: Black. Because that’s the only color on sale today.


Today's Best Deals: Philips Wake-Up Lights, USB-C...

2 November 2016

Philips Wake-Up Lights, Purell products, and USB-C everything lead off Wednesday’s best deals.

