The Most Common Money Schemes People Still Fall For

3 November 2016

They say a sucker is born every minute, but shady businesses are good at convincing you you’re a genius, not a sucker, for giving them your money. Many of these outfits prey on people want to improve their finances, which adds insult to injury. You know to stay away from bogus IRS collectors and Nigerian princes, but there are some less obvious, perfectly legal scams people fall for all the time.


Ubiquiti all the things: how I finally fixed my dodgy wifi

Ubiquiti all the things: how I finally fixed my dodgy wifi

3 November 2016
Sponsored by: Sucuri: Incident Response, Monitoring, DDoS mitigation and WAF for websitesI'm increasingly of the view that both my time and my sanity are worth more and more as the years progress. Particularly in my...
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The Shrouded World Desktop

2 November 2016

Reader Alec submitted this desktop to our Desktop Showcase, and aside from a stunning wallpaper, it’s a neatly customized Mac. Here’s how he set everything up.


Candied Nuts Give Boring Muffin Mix a Decadent Upgrade

2 November 2016

Muffins are easier to make than you might think, and even if you grab a boxed mix from the store, you can give yours a little something special by mixing in some candied nuts. The end result is a normally plain muffin with a crunchy sweet treat in every bite.


Remains of the Day: Microsoft Launches a New Chatting...

2 November 2016

Microsoft announced a new chat platform called Teams today. It will be integrated with Office 365 with an emphasis on work collaboration. In other words, it’s Microsoft’s Slack competitor. That and more in today’s news.

