G Suite Training Teaches You Everything You Need to Know...

3 November 2016

Chrome: Whether you’re new to Google Docs, Sheets, Drive, or any other tool under the “G Suite” umbrella, or you’re an old hand, Google’s G Suite Training add-on for Chrome will teach you useful tips and tricks while you actually use the tools you work with every day.


Make Perfect Pumpkin Pasta With Just Two Ingredients

3 November 2016

Pumpkin pasta may seem like a dish that can only be obtained at an insufferably hip restaurant, but you can actually make your own at home with just two ingredients. (Spoiler: One of them is pumpkin.)


Quickly Clean Window Blinds by Wrapping Tongs in...

3 November 2016

If you’re like me, you’ve never really thought to clean your window blinds. Fellow slobs, here’s a PSA: every now and then, your blinds get dusty and they need to be cleaned. To make it easier, One Crazy House recommends using tongs.


Why So Many Psychological Studies Fail to Hold Up

3 November 2016

One of the key facets of any scientific study is that no matter what, its results are questioned and tested again. A number of popular psychological studies, like the idea that smiling makes you happier or that willpower is a limited resource, haven’t held up to that scrutiny. They’re not totally bogus, but they’re not definitive either. Here’s what’s going really on.


The Most Common Lunge Mistakes and How to Fix Them

3 November 2016

Lunges require you to bring one foot in front of the other and shift your weight forward, but what happens next can say a lot about your muscular weaknesses. Stability issues are pretty common, but the root of the problem can be anything from having a weak core, tight hips, unstable feet, and more. Let’s take a closer look.

