What To Do When You're Stuck In A Massive Auto Loan

4 November 2016

We all make mistakes, and sometimes small mistakes lead to bigger ones—especially when it comes to debt. It’s easy to get on a high horse and tell someone what they should or shouldn’t have done; coming up with solutions can be a lot harder, and this debt-saddled car owner needs a fix and not more judgment.


All the Unusual Places You Can Use Suspension Trainers...

4 November 2016

When I travel, being able to strength train is my second priority (the first is having good internet,) but I can’t always count on finding a gym. So I’ve come to depend on my suspension trainers and MacGyver-like sensibilities for my strength-focused bodyweight workouts, no matter where I am. You can do the same.


Why You Should Keep a Gratitude List in Your To-Do App

4 November 2016

Gratitude isn’t just some corny mind fluff; it can make you happier, more resilient, and even help you save money. A gratitude journal is great, but to make it even more actionable, add it to your to-do list.


Take Your Pick Of Two Bluetooth Headphones, Just $16 or Less

4 November 2016

Unless you’re a true audiophile, there’s really no reason to buy wired earphones anymore, and that’s doubly true for iPhone owners. So when you can choose from two different sets of Bluetooth earbuds for under $20, there’s no reason not to make the jump.


Why Lemons Are So Great for Cleaning

4 November 2016

Lemons can be used for all types of cleaning, from removing rust stains to making your microwave or sink look and smell better. But why are they so universally useful? You may have predicted it, but it’s their acid content that makes them such powerful cleaners.

