How to Take a Non-Crappy Picture of the Moon

10 November 2016

On November 14th, we’ll get the closest full moon since 1948, and it won’t happen again for 18 years. If you want to snap a photo of the moon in all its glory, be prepared. Here’s how to take a picture of next week’s supermoon that will do it some justice, and may even be wallpaper-worthy.


Offshoring roulette: lessons from outsourcing to India,...

Offshoring roulette: lessons from outsourcing to India,...

10 November 2016
Sponsored by: Sucuri: Incident Response, Monitoring, DDoS mitigation and WAF for websitesI've had this blog post in one form or another of draft for several years now. I hesitated to complete it, in part because at...
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The Forged Path Desktop

9 November 2016

Dobbie03 decided to give sidboX a try after using Gnome-Shell for ages. If you have no idea what that’s all about, it’s okay—the end result is a gorgeous, custom Linux desktop that we can all admire.


Store Peanut Butter, Tahini, and other Nut Butters...

9 November 2016

We’ve mentioned before that storing nut butter on its side is one way to make it easier to spread and avoid it separating, but a simpler trick is to store it upside down to keep it from separating in the first place.


Remains of the Day: WhatsApp Now Supports GIFs

9 November 2016

You can now send and create GIFs with the popular Facebook-owned chat app, WhatsApp. Whether you want to punctuate your conversations with a dog on a skateboard or something from your own camera roll, now you can. That and more in today’s news.

