Today's Best Deals: Jeans, Dyson V6 Animal, Weather...

11 November 2016

All the jeans you could ever need, a certified-refurb Dyson V6 Animal, the weather radio you should definitely own, and more lead Friday’s best deals.


Eliminate Mystery Drain Smells by Cleaning Your Sink’s...

11 November 2016

Cleaning your garbage disposal is as easy as dropping some ice and salt or some citrus and vinegar into it, but there’s likely one stinky spot you miss: under the splash guard. Here’s the best way to clean it out.


2016 Veteran's Day Open Thread!

11 November 2016

Welcome, all, to our weekly open thread for Hackerspace, as usual, brought to you by the fine folks at Lifehacker. Today is Veteran’s Day in the United States and Remembrance Day around the world. This is a time to honor those who served in our military.


Replace Guest Cards With These Thanksgiving Mad Libs and...

11 November 2016

Depending on the crowd (and how many crazy uncles you have) making pleasant conversation during Thanksgiving dinner can be a little awkward. Replacing regular guest cards with Thanksgiving-themed Mad Libs can not only get the conversation flowing, but can help dissolve any tension with laughter.


What to Do If Your Child Is Experiencing Racist Bullying...

11 November 2016

Bullying has already been on the rise, but since Tuesday, there’s been a surge in blatant racist bullying in schools. However you feel about the election, this is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. If your child is experiencing racist bullying and you don’t know what to do, here’s where you can turn for help.

