Remains of the Day: Facebook Thinks We're All Dead

11 November 2016

Earlier today, Facebook mistakenly displayed some normal user profiles as though they were memorial pages, with a prominent “Remembering [name]” header. There’s good news and bad news, and they’re both the same: you’re not actually dead.


How Marijuana Affects Your Workouts

11 November 2016

When you picture someone smoking weed, a person cranking out reps in the gym is probably the last thing you’d think of. But some triathletes, bodybuilders, and marathon runners say it helps them focus and reduce anxiety. Here’s what’s really going on when you workout high.


Hack an Old Nintendo Zapper to Control a Lamp

11 November 2016

If just flipping a switch to turn a light on or off is too boring you, sudomod has a guide to convert an old Nintendo Zapper into a controller for turning your lights on and off.


Make Your Own LED Desk Lamp

11 November 2016

Desk lamps might be a dime a dozen, but finding one like is surprisingly hard. YouTuber Darbin Orvar shows off one method to make your own with a few chunks of wood.


Particle Simplifies Connecting Your Raspberry Pi to the...

11 November 2016

A lot of the best Raspberry Pi projects are all about connecting and controlling your Raspberry Pi from afar. Particle is a web service that helps make that process a little easier and they’ve introduced a beta program that adds in the Raspberry Pi.

