DNA Isn't Destiny: Healthy Living Can Overcome Genes...

14 November 2016

Study found exercise, healthy diet could lower odds for heart attack even in those at high genetic risk

HealthDay news image

Source: HealthDay

The Most Soothing Song Ever, How Fusion Energy Might...

14 November 2016

This week we’re checking out some of the worst “oops!” moments in history, running down some great GPUs and peripherals, talking about how fusion energy might work, and some soothing tunes for a hopefully less stressful week.


New Pluralsight course: Exploring the Internet of...

New Pluralsight course: Exploring the Internet of...

14 November 2016
Sponsored by: Sucuri: Incident Response, Monitoring, DDoS mitigation and WAF for websitesI've done a number of "Play by Play" courses for Pluralsight this year on a range of topics including Social Engineering with...
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The Best Way to Split Open a Coconut Without Any Tools

13 November 2016

Fresh coconut is delicious, but they’re tough to break into, especially when you don’t have any tools with you. This trick might save your life if you get stranded on a desert island. Or at least save the day at a picnic or barbecue.


Use a Raspberry Pi Zero to Power a Pixel Art Frame

13 November 2016

A low resolution digital frame might not sound like something anyone would want, but DIYer Frederick Vandenbosch proves otherwise with his elegant little pixel art frame.

