How I Used A/B Testing to Hack My Kids

14 November 2016

“I wonder how we can get them to sleep more.” This simple thought, expressed by my wife, not even a question, became a challenge to me. My engineer mind took this as a problem to be solved, and when a software developer sees a problem, they devise tests. Luckily, I knew the perfect system for testing out some ideas in a controlled and measurable setting. And with twins, testing would be even easier. Welcome to parenting, A/B testing style.


If You Want to Be a Writer, Neil Gaiman Says You Should...

14 November 2016

Without boredom, your mind can’t wander and day dream. Unfortunately, it seems boredom is harder to come by these days, so you’ll have to find it.


Disqus' mixed content problem and fixing it with a CSP

Disqus' mixed content problem and fixing it with a CSP

14 November 2016
Sponsored by: Sucuri: Incident Response, Monitoring, DDoS mitigation and WAF for websitesI write a blog with a lot of security things on it so understandably, it upsets me somewhat when my site throws security...
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Make a Small Coffee Table From a Single 2x4

14 November 2016

2x4's are cheap and easy to work with, so the idea that you could make your own coffee table from a single piece of wood is pretty appealing. Instructables user StephanPi1 shows you how.


Wool Socks and Workout Clothes Aren’t Antibacterial—They...

14 November 2016

Wool is great for socks and workout clothes for a ton of reasons, including because it’s warm even when wet. As a bonus, you can wear wool for multiple workouts without stinking it up. But it turns out the reason isn’t what you think: wool doesn’t kill bacteria, it just hides their odor.

