Remains of the Day: Amazon Ordered to Refund Unwanted...

14 November 2016

Amazon has been ordered to refund in-app purchases that were made by children without parental permission. The FTC accused Amazon in 2014 of making it too easy for kids to run up purchases while playing games. That and more in today’s news.


How to Make a Mannequin Challenge Video In Five Easy Steps

14 November 2016

If you and your friends want to make your own Mannequin Challenge video and get in on the action—or, uh, frozen action—here’s how to do it in five very easy steps.


Force Yourself to Wear "Maybe Clothes" When Decluttering...

14 November 2016

If you try to pare down your wardrobe, you’ll end up with items you want to keep, items you want to toss, and items that are somewhere in between. Before you decide on those “maybe clothes,” give them a wear.


How I Used A/B Testing to Hack My Kids

14 November 2016

“I wonder how we can get them to sleep more.” This simple thought, expressed by my wife, not even a question, became a challenge to me. My engineer mind took this as a problem to be solved, and when a software developer sees a problem, they devise tests. Luckily, I knew the perfect system for testing out some ideas in a controlled and measurable setting. And with twins, testing would be even easier. Welcome to parenting, A/B testing style.


If You Want to Be a Writer, Neil Gaiman Says You Should...

14 November 2016

Without boredom, your mind can’t wander and day dream. Unfortunately, it seems boredom is harder to come by these days, so you’ll have to find it.

