Why Everyone Is Suggesting You Should Get an IUD While...

15 November 2016

You may have heard people suggesting that if you want to be sure you’ll have birth control for the next four years, you should book your IUD insertion appointment now. That’s because January will bring a new political era, and possibly changes in how insurance companies cover birth control.


PSA: Kids Shouldn't Wear Winter Coats In Their Car Seat

15 November 2016

The colder months are upon us, so you’ll want to bundle up your kids in some warm winter jackets. But when it’s time for them to get into their car seat, the jackets need to come off. It might be a pain, but it could save their life.


Pixelmator Adds Tabs, a New Smart Refine Feature, and...

15 November 2016

Mac: Pixelmator gets a handful of new features today, most notably finally adding in support for tabs. That comes alongside support for the new Touch Bar on MacBook Pros and a pretty nifty new smart refine selection tool.


My weekly updates are now available as an audio podcast

My weekly updates are now available as an audio podcast

15 November 2016
Sponsored by: Sucuri: Incident Response, Monitoring, DDoS mitigation and WAF for websitesI've been doing the weekly updates for a couple of months now and by all accounts, they've been very well-received. One of the...
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Google's PhotoScan Simplifies Scanning Physical Pictures

15 November 2016

Android/iPhone: Google’s introduced PhotoScan, a new app that makes scanning and uploading old photos a heck of a lot easier.

