What You Need to Know About Taxes If You Make Money from...

16 November 2016

If you want to make extra cash on the side, there are plenty of options out there from Airbnb to Lyft to Etsy. You’ve probably heard this referred to as the gig, sharing, or on-demand economy. Whatever you want to call it, if you earn any of your income this way, you have to think about taxes. Here’s what you need to…


The All-White, Headphone Haven Workspace

15 November 2016

Taengo0 loves their headphones, and this silver, dual-display workspace alongside three pairs of really good headphones is proof positive. The whole setup is clean and good looking, but those headphones are the star of the show (although the PC over there looks beautiful too.


Two Things You Can Do to Avoid Knee Pain When You Run

15 November 2016

If your knees are hurting every time you head out for a run, something isn’t right. Fortunately, there are a couple big things you can do to prevent the pain in the future.


Remains of the Day: Twitter Adds New Muting Tools to...

15 November 2016

In an effort to address the online abuse that has plagued Twitter for years—particularly during the election season—they are adding new ways to mute conversation threads and report abuse. That and more in today’s news.


Reframe "Negative" Emotions as "Difficult" Emotions

15 November 2016

Nobody likes being sad, angry, or heartbroken. If you want to give yourself a leg up on getting through troubling times, a simple mental reframe can help you see the light at the end of the tunnel.

