Asana's New Boards Visualize Your To-Dos as Trello-Like...

16 November 2016

Web/Android/iPhone: Asana, the popular collaborative to-do app and project manager, now has a board system that works pretty much exactly like Trello.


Leftover Pizza Egg-In-A-Hole Is Your New Favorite Breakfast

16 November 2016

I know none of you ever have any leftover pizza, but if some lesser being happens to leave some lying around, you should probably use it to make a delicious egg-in-a-hole.


Amazon App for iPhone Now Has X-Ray Vision to See Inside...

16 November 2016

iOS: In conjunction with upcoming Black Friday sales and the holiday season, Amazon has just added a fun new feature to their iOS app that let’s you know what’s inside a package without having to open the box.


Give the Gift of Great Gadgets, Gear, and Stuff We Like

16 November 2016

We like a lot of gadgets that, like you in high school, don’t fit into neatly organized categories that the man tries to put them in. That’s why we have this special guide for all the awesome gadgets and other stuff we liked throughout the year.


Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Favors, It Actually Makes You...

16 November 2016

If you don’t like bothering people with favors, there may be a part of you that’s afraid they’ll be annoyed with you. If that’s the case, go ahead and ask, because personal favors actually make you more likable.

