We are, all of us, amazing at avoiding things. Our minds are less “thinking machines” than they are “avoiding machines.” And the incredible thing is that we aren’t even usually aware that we’re avoiding thinking about something.
It seems that Google isn’t the only developer powering their translation app with neural network technology. Microsoft Translator also recently upgraded to better understand full sentences and provide more human-sounding output.
We’re fans of the C.H.I.P. computer, which packs quite a bit into a $9 Linux-capable board. Today, they announced that the $15, low-key game designer software, PICO-8 will be included free for all C.H.I.P. users. They’ve also introduced a $29 console kit perfect for aspiring game designers.
Alongside the announcement of the upcoming Visual Studio 2017 today, Microsoft announced that Visual Studio will be available for the Mac for the first time.
Can you believe it’s only a week until your turkey trot? Don’t panic—we have a great way for you to test your mettle for race day, and it’s part of a simple, doable workout.