Two Popular Instant Pot Pressure Cookers Are Back On...

21 November 2016

In addition to drastically speeding up your meal prep, Instant Pot pressure cookers are also your favorite slow cookers, and some of your favorite rice cookers, and two high-end models are on sale today on Amazon.


All the States With Free Park Admission the Day After...

21 November 2016

If you’re looking for something to do the day after Thanksgiving, aside from eating leftovers and shopping, consider visiting a local state park. Many of them are free that day.


Why I Stopped Ghosting

21 November 2016

In the dating world there’s a looming presence that haunts us all: ghosting. I’ve watched friends get ghosted, been ghosted on, and I’ve even been the ghost many times. But I decided to stop. Not just because I realized how impolite I was being, but because I also saw that vanishing into the ether was actually a…


You Can Find Your Social Security Earnings Online

21 November 2016

You’ve probably heard Social Security is running out, but that may not mean what you think. If Congress does nothing to fix Social Security, the Trust Fund will run dry by 2034, but recipients will still get 75% of their estimated benefits. The Social Security Administration has a website where you can log in and look…


Amazon's Black Friday Kindle Deals Are Officially Live

21 November 2016

While not nearly as good as the Prime-only deals we saw last month, if you’re in the market for a Kindle e-reader this holiday season, you can save $20-$30 today on three different models.

